UNESCO Conseil International de la Musique, Collection universelle de musique populaire enregistrée (9/I & 9/II)


Number: 9/I
Artist: Angel, Lazare
Matrix: AI 62
Song Title: La rose fleurit (La rosa inflorece), A une heure, je naquis (A la una naci yo), El cavritico
Language: Ladino
Also released on: International Archives of Folk Music. Set: VDE 30-425/430; Album: VDE 30-427
Song also released on: A la una: Odeon 54469; Odeon 83055-A; Zonophone 104131. La rosa: Zonophone 104107; Odeon 54415; Odeon 83048-A
Recorded: 6 July 1948
Where recorded: Paris, France

Coupled with

Number: 9/II
Artist: Angel, Ana
Matrix: AI 61
Song Title: Haut, là haut va la lune (Alta, alta va la luna), Partos trocados, Voilà que la belle est sortie de la mer (Ya salio de la mar la galana)
Language: Ladino

Also released on: International Archives of Folk Music. Set: VDE 30-425/430; Album: VDE 30-427
Song also released on: Ya salio de la mar la galana: Zonophone 104121
Recorded: 6 July 1948
Where recorded: Paris, France

Listing Source: Reviewed
Public Institutions: Library of Congress; UCLA; Bibliothèque nationale de France
Date Source: UNESCO publication
Editor: Léon Algazi

Why this recording appears on our home page

The "Collection Universelle" includes the first commercially released Sephardic "field recordings". Lazare and Ana Angel were natives of Salonica, Greece but the actual recording took place at the Musée de la Parole in Paris, under the auspices of Léon Algazi.

Copyright 2008 - 2012, Joel Bresler